How to Download Minecraft Worlds Mac UPDATED

How to Download Minecraft Worlds Mac

I have experience making tutorials on YouTube and decided to aggrandize my post-obit by writing tutorials equally well!

There are tons of different maps to explore in "Minecraft." Learn how to find and load new ones safely.

There are tons of different maps to explore in "Minecraft." Acquire how to find and load new ones safely.

What Is a Minecraft Map? How Do I Download One?

In Minecraft, you lot can arts and crafts a map out of paper made from sugar cane and add information technology to your inventory. The map will draw itself as you explore and record where you lot go. To use a fix-fabricated map, you can exist gifted one from a friend, or you can download i from the Cyberspace.

One time y'all've downloaded a map, though, there are a few steps you need to take in order to exist able to explore it in the game. Read on to acquire about the following steps:

  1. Downloading a Minecraft map
  2. Locating the Minecraft map on your calculator
  3. Unzipping the compressed file
  4. Playing your new map

one. Detect and Download a Map

The first thing you need to do is find a map to download. Equally mentioned above, many times YouTube videos of Minecraft play volition contain download links for that map. There are too websites that aggregate Minecraft maps for download.

Always be careful when downloading files from the Net and only download maps from trusted sources. Be sure that your computer's anti-virus software is upward-to-date. Don't download .EXE files that claim to be installers, equally they are probable to be viruses.

Some popular sites for downloading maps include:

  • Planet Minecraft Projects
  • The Maps section of Minecraft Forum
  • Minecraft Maps

ii. Discover Your Saved Files

Your downloaded map will most likely exist in a .Zip or .RAR form. To unzip information technology, you volition beginning demand to locate the saved file in your Minecraft "saves" folder, as that is where downloaded game files similar maps are stored.

What is the Minecraft "saves" folder, and how do you lot locate it? The folder is in your directory of Minecraft files. There are a few ways to locate it:

Using the Minecraft Launcher

  1. Open the Launcher, and select Edit Profile.
  2. Click the Open Game Dir option. "Dir" is brusk for "Directory."
  3. Your "saves" folder volition exist in the .minecraft directory.

Using Windows

  1. Open the Start bill of fare and select Run.
  2. Type (without quotes) "%appdata%\.minecraft\saves\" and hit Enter.

Using Mac Bone

  1. Open up the Finder.
  2. Select Go and Get to Binder...
  3. When prompted, enter (without quotes) "~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/saves".

3. Unzip the Map File

The downloaded map file information technology is most likely in .RAR or .Zippo format, which will need to be unzipped. Unzip it with your favorite unzipper, such equally WinRAR, 7-Zip, or The Unarchiver (for Mac Bone).

  1. Having located the "saves" binder, you can copy the folder path of the "saves" folder into your unzipper of choice.
  2. Depending on which program yous utilize, the unzipped file will be automatically saved to the Minecraft "saves" folder, or you may exist prompted to choose where to salve the file.
  3. If saved to the Desktop or another location other than the "saves" folder, copy and paste the extracted file into the "saves" folder, which you learned how to locate in Step 2.
  4. You tin can as well rename your downloaded map if you like.

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4. Launch Your Downloaded Map

If your downloaded, unzipped map has been saved in the Minecraft "saves" folder, you lot should be able to select it when you lot play Minecraft when asked to select a World from your Worlds list.

Some Absurd Minecraft Maps Yous Can Download

me on June 17, 2020:


Allan Trzoncoscki on April eleven, 2019:

Lol Maps for minecraft is not working for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me666 on July 02, 2018:

Go to addons and maps on the App Shop mode easier!one tap install no files fashion better!!!!!!!!!

horst on October 01, 2017:

im not able to Play my maps

andrew on Feb 21, 2017:

i cant do information technology beacause i use the latest launcher

Uni on January thirteen, 2017:

Ummmm how do you lot find the minecraft file I have the roaming merely I cant find .minecraft all I see is like Mocrosoft and stuff sorry please help

dylan on Nov 03, 2016:

in mincraft skiblock

asd on July 03, 2015:

how practice i do it in .dat files?? on windows?

jacobmc0705 on March 25, 2015:

i don't know how to utilize the map

jonald on November 21, 2014:

how to download a minecraft 18

jigs on September xvi, 2014:

Minecraft Download 1.vii.two Cracked No Survey

395skr on Baronial 23, 2014:

Worked Earlier Doesn't Work!!!!!!!!! Using The Dropper But Not At that place! I Tin can't USe WINRar Though Because I Am On Os X x.six.8 Snow leapord, And Use The Archive Utility Built Into Mac Os 10

Me123 on July 22, 2014:

stupid files never work correct this sight stinks

city seed on July nineteen, 2014:











Spirit on July 01, 2014:

Does this piece of work for windows xp? Cause I tried it and it didn't prove up when I started up minecraft

zhypowercar on March 28, 2014:

Come to think of it now, I can play it but there is no texture pack.

zhypowercar on March 14, 2014:


I tried it again and again and it doesn't work!

eddie on February 22, 2014:

i downloaded the map, unzipped it, put it in the saves folder just its non in the word selection page in minecraft

Arceushera on Dec 21, 2013:

What file do i rename World 54?

Jade on November 03, 2013:

when i accept downloaded it and I put information technology on my desk top and right click information technology it doesn't take extract or anything similar this so why

person on Oct 06, 2013:

I want to download the temple of Notch any body know how?

wilfredounico on September 28, 2013:

in the input/feedback can I choose "Floating desert island"? xD

ihatethis on Baronial 26, 2013:

I put over 10 unlike minecraft maps into the saves folder, I did everything here, I unzipped it I tried using every different unzipper, but I don't accept the map

Your Proper name on June 28, 2013:

I did it sucessfully! :D

Person on May 18, 2013:

This didn't work for me... I did everything right, but it isn't there when I log in.

blackman on March 23, 2013:

it didn't work. i unzipped information technology, and everything but its not showing upwards in my worlds page

sly(2) on Feb 13, 2013:

lmfao it piece of work all of a soden thnks

sly on February 09, 2013:

didn't work i fallow everything and take try for 2 hours Didn't works

minizonbie on Jan 28, 2013:

ik wil spleen

themaster on January 08, 2013:

what if i have a mac

crudsou on January 03, 2013:

Once im done doing what yous said to do, and so I play minecraft, The globe is there, I bring together information technology, AND ITS A FREAKING Snowfall BIOM.

wut on January 01, 2013:

This worked for me. Downloading maps like a Boss.

Robert on December thirty, 2012:

I beloved minecraft

daughter on November 10, 2012:

that didn't help whatsoever :( i hate doing technical crap with Minecraft that'south why i raged and deleted like 10000 things drom my laptop that i downloaded for a server, i detest this soooo much, i just desire to play a freaking map!!!

xaminz144 on November 05, 2012:

can you lot aid me with download maps for macbook pro

Nolls on October xix, 2012:


booboo on September 26, 2012:

deplorable y'all are not a liar but i simply desire to play a map so bad i got and then aroused so please forgive me :(

booboo on September 26, 2012:

it doesn't work

booboo on September 26, 2012:

such a liar

help on September 23, 2012:

the earth was downloaded as a .rar file how do I play this map?

Assistance on September 15, 2012:

I am a fail and deceit find the stupid minecraft folder!Proficient tutorial tho!

Fail on September 15, 2012:

Tin't find the fckin minecraft folder!! What did I do to itt!!!

someone on September 10, 2012:

Uh haha funny story there.... I accidentally removed my run option and now I can't get information technology back....

... on August thirty, 2012:

Thank you ^^

hacker on July 20, 2012:

It worked fine... tnx a lot :p

x3ffectz on June 30, 2012:

hmmmm.....i tin't seem to do this i did everything correctly and i changed its name to world4 and information technology wasn't in that location. i have windows 7 i have minecraftSP..........cracked version for free....

Livster on June 23, 2012:

Can it be named "World i" if "Globe i" doesn't exist notwithstanding?

Or does it have to be an already created globe?

A person on June 22, 2012:

I downloaded a earth. Exercise I accept to change the name for it to work

mark on June 06, 2012:

Sweet! I've but received my free minecraft giftcode!

g on June 03, 2012:

vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvggggggggdgsvdjafDGsd xc31

Rukia453 on June 01, 2012:

If you practice non own Minecraft, can you still do this, and play the maps?

buttcrack on May 31, 2012:

what exercise yous practice if you lot don't take windows?

pieter on May 25, 2012:


Minecraft on May 25, 2012:

Newest version of minecraft:

Gamerjazz on May 21, 2012:

I did everything you said simply information technology still didn't come.i specialy downloade winrar for this.what a waste of disk infinite

bob on May twenty, 2012:

where do i place a download levals

Payton Scott on May 16, 2012:

how exercise ya select it to play????

gamerman004567 on April 25, 2012:

for some reasons .rar files don't piece of work! my .zip files piece of work fine, just these seem to be set up differently in the files, and it doesn't come upwardly on my minecraft world selection!

mew on April 24, 2012:

I did everything but the map doesn't evidence upwards in my minecraft WHAT DO I Practise

jake on Apr 21, 2012:

it didn't work with me

Mr.Awesome on April 09, 2012:

How tin you plow it off, I meant yous already downloaded it how do you put information technology off?

טעם וגחלים on April 09, 2012:


ThorLohnaas54 on April 05, 2012:

i can't notice the binder save, what should i do

fnhakgnd on March xviii, 2012:

i open the map but thers nuthin in ther

slappy on March 16, 2012:

thanks for nothing!

Problem!! on March 07, 2012:

How exercise you unzip it?

Daniel on March 05, 2012:

Thank you So Much

I'one thousand playing the world from the minecraft 1.ii trailer


kat on Feb 29, 2012:

thanks so much !

Guy on February 24, 2012:

You are ment to excerpt it

samtastic101 on February 13, 2012:

you can't copy and paste files in winrar and then how do you put it in the saves folder? I presume you drag and drop if i'chiliad wrong correct me

meezies on Feb 09, 2012:

When i put it into the saves file and open minecraft, i can't find information technology on my globe listing!!! what do i exercise?

MisterBister99 on February 03, 2012:

When I download it it'southward not a .aught file so I instantly put it in the saves folder just it doesn't bear witness upwardly. I've done this before and it worked, and I just did it again and it didn't...

ikkeheltvanlig on January 27, 2012:


worlds no longer "occupy" a globe slot of one to 5, merely take unique names (generally exactly same equally world proper noun ingame).

Similar final guy said, just re-create the folder (unzipped) to your .minecraft\saves folder to get information technology every bit a singleplayer world

minecraftlover on Jan 24, 2012:

this is the quick way. just open .minecraft folder and go to saves. in the folder saves, put your downloaded map in it. and so extract it. and then you are fix to play!

hi on January 20, 2012:

information technology does not work duh

nellepirelle on January 17, 2012:

it worked (n_n)!

Gotit on December 30, 2011:

Afterward the file is in there commencement minecraft and go a niggling fleck throw the different óptions it has to load a little time

Mertiboy on December 27, 2011:

uhm it still doesn't want to work:/

fierfly567 on December 26, 2011:

yeah, i tried it all, but when i become on minecraft it just doesn't testify upwardly. am i doing something wrong?

Link on December 11, 2011:

Duh. Nevermind, I figured it out. Thanks.

Link on December 11, 2011:

Sorry for the dumb questions, but what exercise you mean by "Observe and Enter" when you say:

Step half-dozen: Find and Enter the "Roaming" file. Once inside that file, Find and Enter ".minecraft"

Gibstack on December 02, 2011:

@VipDude, Exercise Winrar and try it. That'due south all I can say, since I don't know how to use 7zip.

Tigerklo on Nov 19, 2011:


VipDude on November xviii, 2011:

Information technology wont work. I accept 7zip and it says to download it on the AD. Please help. I have Windows seven.

diamond on November 07, 2011:

minecraft map failed

Patrick on October 30, 2011:

step 1. download the world yous desire

stride 2. extract the globe you desire

step 3. run %appdata% search for Roaming->.minecraft

stride 4. in .minecraft search for saves, put the extracted folder in there, DO NOT RENAME IT, you tin rename your worlds in minecraft itself.

stride 5. start minecraft and play

ufail2000 on Oct 28, 2011:

uhmm... 1.8 has come out a few weeks ago and this map what I have in at survival mode. How can i modify it?

cowfish1000 on October 08, 2011:


ha on September 22, 2011:

hmmmmmmmmmm it works yay

Wolfbrother on September 18, 2011:

I hope the map I downloaded works, and that Winrar won't stuff up like it did with one of the files for Kerbal Space Program...

Jake on August 24, 2011:

I tried this, and when I downloaded the map, it appeared to already be sorted with winrar. Nonetheless I renamed the folder World1 (I have no other saves) nevertheless when I open Minecraft it however says i have no worlds?

bunnynoah on August 22, 2011:

HEELLP. HOW Do You Practise THIS,I did everything right,but i didn't apply winRAR

SNIP34URLIF3 on Baronial 09, 2011:


me on Apr 23, 2011:

How do i do this with .dat files???

Yeah.. on April 04, 2011:

How do you re-create? I can't find it in the options

Epic on Apr 01, 2011:

Thank you!

Confused on March fourteen, 2011:

I followed all the steps which worked affair autonomously from chnaging the proper noun to something like "World4", thts where i am a bit confused because all my saves accept the names("castle land" and other names), eg i have about 6 saves and there non World1,World2,World3 ect So would i demand to change the proper noun to Globe 7 or something ?

ERGO Tutorials (writer) on March 06, 2011:

@me just try winRAR

me on March 05, 2011:

is there a good unzipper i can't find a good gratis ane

w on February twenty, 2011:


How to Download Minecraft Worlds Mac UPDATED

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